30 business people were invited to the breakfast at Holiday Inn in Bulawayo. The turnout was fantastic.
Pastor Kenneth Chirimuta from Victory Fellowship opened the breakfast in a word of prayer.
Tapiwa Chizana,(Partner in Deloitte and Touché and leader of Thembalezizwe Church), spoke about what
Trumpet Call is and basically said it is a Call to love God, love each other and to love the poor. It is also a Call for the Nation to feed itself through Foundations for Farming – farming through Biblical principles. Foundations for Farming is LIFE TRANSFORMING. This transformation of hearts will affect the way we live, work, farm and so on.
The Church and leaders are engaging the business community to be involved with
Trumpet Call. God is refining the Church and increasing the unity of leaders. Christians in the Marketplace play a key role in the transformation of the Nation as in the case of Joseph found in Genesis. David was anointed by Samuel but it wasn’t until he had a “Goliath moment” that he was really noticed. We have a “Goliath moment”; to see the Kingdom of God expanded in Zimbabwe.
What are we asking from the businessmen?
1. To use their influence, reputation and resources to mobilize the market place and within their local churches for a transformational work of the spirit amongst all people.
There is a media blitz rallying the Church and Nation for September 26th – For such a time as this.
Economic transformation happens when people of God take their rightful place. It’s a divine moment to see God’s glory shine.
Peter Cunningham (Prominent Businessman in Bulawayo) followed on from Tapiwa Chizana saying that Trumpet Call is from
Isaiah 58 –
“To loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke?” In essence, Trumpet Call is a Call for the Church to Action. We look at the Great Commission in
Matthew 28:18 – 20 and it says make disciples, baptize them and them speak/teach them. Kingdom advance is led by practical action before teaching.
In Zimbabwe right now, we have 16% food security but God has prepared this time for us – a specific moment. This is the time we need to act and demonstrate God’s life, love and power in us. Foundations for Farming is a unifying platform for the Nation to feed itself.
Trumpet Call is a Call to lead the Nation to transformation. If 1 million Christians planted 0.5 hectares before or by November 25th and did everything the same, we’ll have enough to feed ourselves as yields will go up. Jesus is actively on the move in this and it’s our prophetic moment in Zimbabwe.
Peter went on to share how the Catholic Church and 300 Bishops are100% behind
Trumpet Call and Foundations for Farming; how the full weight of the government is behind this as well. The exciting part is that the Christians are being asked to teach the Nation how to farm and that God receives ALL the glory. God is moving in Zimbabwe. There is dynamism of Jesus moving miraculously in our Nation and
Trumpet Call will change the spiritual climate in Zimbabwe. September 26th is the launch for Calling the Nation to “GO FOR IT!”
Marketing Campaign: We have 56 hours of television time on training and teaching, 200 hours on radio over the next 3 months, 500,000 flyers are going out in Shona, English and Ndebele and we’ll have Operation Trumpet Call sites across Zimbabwe and there is a real sense of movement and the Church in Action!
It is a Heart thing as God wants our hearts. If we embrace Kingdom principles, there will be fruitfulness in our lives.
The businessmen responded positively and are eager to play their part.
Summarized By Molly Manhanga