Monday, October 4, 2010

Trumpet Call: Update.....

TRUMPET CALL! - Churches Together for Transformation has now been launched across the country and the broad based Church proclaimed the prophetic message on 26 September 2010 to its flock. Training at various sites continues in earnest as various Churches receive training on small scale farming so that they can empower their congregations to feed themselves and to reach out to the poor in their communities. There is a strong focus on rural communities whose
livelihoods were decimated by the economic hardships that we experienced during the periods of extreme hyperinflation.

It is a great joy to see the Church working out this Isaiah 58 message practically! The parable of being faithful with the little is being preached effectively through Foundations for Farming/Farming God's Way.

May we all one day " known as the people who rebuilt their walls and cities." (Isaiah 58:12).

By Roy Chimanikire

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Trumpet Call: Bulawayo News...

Word of Life band leading praise songs at White City Stadium

The day was hot but streams of people braved the heat and gathered at White City Stadium to pray for our Nation Zimbabwe. There were probably a total of 3 000 people who attended. Although it was hot, the atmosphere was great. Praise and worship was led by the band from Word of Life Church. They did a fantastic job of singing songs that most people knew. Vibrant song and dance got everyone in the spirit of unity. It was awesome.
The presence of God was felt and the prayer was a great beginning step for the Church to lead the way in shaping Zimbabwe. Kenneth Chirimuta opened in prayer. Mrs Zulu who is part of the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference did an incredible job. She read from Genesis 1 and spoke about creation and man in creation v26. We are meant to take our stand in creation and dominate. The speeches went well: Overseer Nhira’s spoke on unity, being relevant as Christians and feeding ourselves as a Nation. The Prayer was led by various church leaders on different aspects pertaining to Zimbabwe on being passionate for God, passionate for each other and passionate about our nation. Mbonisi Malaba was very good as he shared the heart, science and technology of Foundations for Farming.
Everyone ended up on their knees at White City Stadium to pray for Zimbabwe. What a moving moment!

Comments from a few people:
1. Interesting to see Catholics and Pentecostals together.
2. It was brilliant, especially the unity - everyone presenting a unified front and we got a sense of the church on mission and the church taking its place in leading the nation.
3. Seeing about 200 Pastors from different churches on the podium was wonderful.
4. The meeting is but the beginning of Churches working together. The Pastors were very encouraged.

Prayer transforms a nation….

Braving the heat at White City Stadium

By Molly Manhanga

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Catching up with Werner Johannes Swart

Werner Swart

It was excellent catching up with Werner Swart in Kezi, Bulawayo. Werner is based in Dunnottar which is in East Gauteng Province in South Africa. Werner works with Harvest Evangelism and he is the African Director. His job incorporates facilitating transformation processes in Africa and the world and seeks to develop prototypes.

M.M: It’s just great having you in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe at this time. What are your comments about the 26th September 2010?
W.S: Zimbabwe is poised for incredible change and breakthroughs. I had the sense that the nation is united and the leaders that spoke at the prayer day had a key understanding of what it is all about. Everyone was focused on feeding the Nation. This is just a start to the change that God wants to bring in Zimbabwe. It was an incredible event in the history of the Nation and I felt privileged to be there. I will look back at marvel.

M.M: How did you get connected with key people in Zimbabwe?
W.S: I was introduced to Peter Cunningham in Bulawayo by Indonesian businessmen and we met Ken Sharp, a businessman in Harare. It was through these meetings that we had the Trumpet call conference at Wild Geese in Harare with Ed Silvoso and The Marketplace Meeting in Harare with leading government officials and prominent businessmen.

M.M: I have always believed and understood that no matter where I work, it is a place to share the gospel and win the lost. We hear a lot about Church and the Marketplace as though they were two separate things? Does some sort of bridging need to occur?
W.S: Absolutely. The two streams need bridging. In the world it’s all about power and control and then church is for a Sunday but what God does in and through the Church and what God does in and through the Marketplace is the same. Trumpet Call is amazing in that it is already addressing the divide. Pastors are challenged to facilitate change in the marketplace through farming. It’s an amazing prototype. We need the same in other areas like education, business, mining, and the Arts and crafts – in everything we do otherwise we’ll see it as “the secular” and “the church.”

M.M: I agree. But how do you see this happening?
W.S: We all need to make a shift in our thinking. Pastors for example, can make a difference in the marketplace while businessmen can see themselves as anointed and be used by God. There are Biblical examples but the coin just hasn’t dropped: e.g. Joseph tending his father’ sheep. He made a business decisions that expanded the kingdom. The miracle of the fish where Jesus told the disciples to cast their nets on the other side. This was a business miracle. The disciples sold the fish.

M.M: The International Prayer day for Zimbabwe was the first step where the Church in Zimbabwe has taken the lead in shaping the Nation. What are your hopes for the future?
W.S: I hope to hear many stories of transformation and to see all sectors of society get infiltrated geographically and sectorally. God directs this process and it will get viral. We start to take the initiative in our own spheres. No one will be able to stop it. The leadership God has placed needs to continue facilitating the course. It can become overwhelming but this is a God-given mandate to particular people/leaders. The way you got here is the way you’ll move forward: e.g. – Moses - he needed to stay on course. Although he appointed people, he still led.

M.M: What do you think is the greatest challenge in National Transformation?
W.S: Leading is the biggest challenge. I agree with John Maxwell when he says that “Everything rises or falls on the leader.”

M.M: It’s been really inspirational chatting to you. Enjoy your time in Kezi and in Zimbabwe and we certainly hope to see more of you.

By Molly Manhanga

Monday, September 27, 2010

Reflections on the Trumpet Call Prayer Day for Zim by Scott Marques

The Harare Trumpet Call meeting kicked-off at 12pm on-the-dot and reminded me of the Isaiah 58 verse saying that 'your gloom will be as the noonday sun' and that God will 'satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land'! The moment seemed to carry all of that prophetic sense in a very practical way.

The crowd represented the diversity of race, tribe, colour, denomination and vocation that we had hoped for. The 'Trumpet Call' song rang out exuberantly with the great last verse saying 'He is the Way to healing our nation, He is the Way to Transformation, He is the Way to glory and salvation'....and the verses saying 'Reach out church, reach out' following the verses of Isaiah 58. I can honestly say that it felt like Jesus was praised
and lifted up above all else.

Diverse contributions from leaders of the church demonstrated the extraordinary unity in the Spirit that God has worked-out in our midst. Although the numbers in the crowd, around 10,000 people, did not reflect the traction that one may have expected with the leadership buy-in, there seems to be huge potential to build on the sincere passion and direction of this

The welcome by the general secretaries of the umbrella bodies was a special moment and reflected amazing love between denominations: Langton Gatsi prayed powerfully and Angus Buchan brought an exhortation, connecting us to the International Day of Prayer going on around the world. Following these contributions, Dr Goodwill Shana and Scott Marques preached on the heart-message and the practicalities of the church feeding Zimbabwe this year. Brian Oldreive and Father Chiromba prayed into these messages. Pastor Tom Deuschle led an offering exhortation and Dr Shana sent us off as the Foundations for Farming “Gumboot” dancers did a song and worship continued. It was a truly historic and memorable meeting.

I(Scott) received calls and messages for the rest of the afternoon of similar testimonies from around the country. The theme of passionate response to the Trumpet Call message seems to have been evident right across the nation, with wonderful connection at leadership level.

The challenge for us now is to explore how we can effectively take the message of Trumpet Call down through the networks and districts to actually see the millions in the body of Christ coming to hear and respond before November planting time.

We are praying and seeking God for the next steps, with a sense of urgency and moment that God has us in.

Thank-you for all your prayers, your love and support. Please continue to pray for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on Zimbabwe and beyond as it is in heaven.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Foundations for Farming Champs Update....

The Champions Gathering in September of 2010 was attended by 200 delegates.
Day one proved to be a momentous occasion as the sessions were attended by the church fathers comprising the three main streams in Zimbabwe, namely the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Council of Churches and the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference. This is surely unprecedented in this country and probably worldwide where all the church regardless of doctrinal differences has come togetheras one to endorse and fully support a single initiative. This of course is Trumpet Call! Churches together for Transformation!

Scott Marques and Brian Oldreive shared the vision of Foundations for Farming and Trumpet Call with passion and there was a hearty affirmation from all delegates that the time for rebuilding has come for Zimbabwe!

This Champs proved to be a very spiritual time with more emphasis on the hearts of men rather than technical teachings. Excellent Praise and Worship set the tone for every session and testimonies from far and wide were extremely moving. Two pastors from Uganda went the extra mile and after five gruelling days of bus travel, arrived at Westgate at four in the morning!

Boet Pretorious was outstanding in presenting the Well Watered Garden .
Of real significance was the delegation of farmers from Ficksburg South Africa. These amazing men and women of God had Isaiah 58 planted in their hearts some years back without really knowing why and were overjoyed to find the answer at Champs! They said they can feel the tensions rising in South Africa over theland issue and were wanting answers as to how to react as Christian farmers.

Brian’s exhortation to “share land and teach” struck a powerful chord in their spirits and they went back full of hope with definite plans to emulate Jesus,and with humility and unselfishness, serve their community and country. The station was as usual looking pristine and as Craig always says “The fields at the September Champs are for me far more visually stunning than in March – Seeing fields weed free with thick mulch reveals the heart of Foundations for Farming. And when we see land around Zimbabwe in the same condition this time next year we will know that revival has truly begun!”

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Your Prayers are Needed"...from Brian Oldreive


A new era is dawning, and either our hurting nation will be rebuilt on the world’s money and the world’s system of human tradition, or on God’s way through a strong and united church, obeying and applying the Word of God to all of life.

In an unprecedented way, all groupings of the wider Body of Christ are gathering in many centres throughout Zimbabwe on


This plan begins with a loud trumpet call to turn back to God, and away from the selfishness in the heart that has been the root cause of all problems on earth. This plan is magnificently expressed by God’s people together removing the yoke of poverty and oppression of the poor. The rebuilding of the nation begins with this heart and by faithfully using the land that God has given us.

This cannot happen with one obedient church, or one denomination, (although this may well be the beginning point) but by the incredible critical mass of effectiveness of all of God’s people building together in unity, as happened in the story of Nehemiah.


Please pray that the rebuilding will be done through the humility and unselfishness of Christ Jesus, expressed in His people, so that when the Lord allows us to prosper once again, we will not fall into the pride, selfishness, and materialism of the ways of the world.




Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Trumpet Call: Bulawayo Business Breakfast

30 business people were invited to the breakfast at Holiday Inn in Bulawayo. The turnout was fantastic.

Pastor Kenneth Chirimuta from Victory Fellowship opened the breakfast in a word of prayer.

Tapiwa Chizana,(Partner in Deloitte and Touché and leader of Thembalezizwe Church), spoke about what Trumpet Call is and basically said it is a Call to love God, love each other and to love the poor. It is also a Call for the Nation to feed itself through Foundations for Farming – farming through Biblical principles. Foundations for Farming is LIFE TRANSFORMING. This transformation of hearts will affect the way we live, work, farm and so on.
The Church and leaders are engaging the business community to be involved with Trumpet Call. God is refining the Church and increasing the unity of leaders. Christians in the Marketplace play a key role in the transformation of the Nation as in the case of Joseph found in Genesis. David was anointed by Samuel but it wasn’t until he had a “Goliath moment” that he was really noticed. We have a “Goliath moment”; to see the Kingdom of God expanded in Zimbabwe.

What are we asking from the businessmen?
1. To use their influence, reputation and resources to mobilize the market place and within their local churches for a transformational work of the spirit amongst all people.
There is a media blitz rallying the Church and Nation for September 26th – For such a time as this.
Economic transformation happens when people of God take their rightful place. It’s a divine moment to see God’s glory shine.

Peter Cunningham (Prominent Businessman in Bulawayo) followed on from Tapiwa Chizana saying that Trumpet Call is from Isaiah 58“To loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke?” In essence, Trumpet Call is a Call for the Church to Action. We look at the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18 – 20 and it says make disciples, baptize them and them speak/teach them. Kingdom advance is led by practical action before teaching.

In Zimbabwe right now, we have 16% food security but God has prepared this time for us – a specific moment. This is the time we need to act and demonstrate God’s life, love and power in us. Foundations for Farming is a unifying platform for the Nation to feed itself.

Trumpet Call is a Call to lead the Nation to transformation. If 1 million Christians planted 0.5 hectares before or by November 25th and did everything the same, we’ll have enough to feed ourselves as yields will go up. Jesus is actively on the move in this and it’s our prophetic moment in Zimbabwe.

Peter went on to share how the Catholic Church and 300 Bishops are100% behind Trumpet Call and Foundations for Farming; how the full weight of the government is behind this as well. The exciting part is that the Christians are being asked to teach the Nation how to farm and that God receives ALL the glory. God is moving in Zimbabwe. There is dynamism of Jesus moving miraculously in our Nation and Trumpet Call will change the spiritual climate in Zimbabwe. September 26th is the launch for Calling the Nation to “GO FOR IT!”

Marketing Campaign: We have 56 hours of television time on training and teaching, 200 hours on radio over the next 3 months, 500,000 flyers are going out in Shona, English and Ndebele and we’ll have Operation Trumpet Call sites across Zimbabwe and there is a real sense of movement and the Church in Action!

It is a Heart thing as God wants our hearts. If we embrace Kingdom principles, there will be fruitfulness in our lives.

The businessmen responded positively and are eager to play their part.

Summarized By Molly Manhanga

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Trumpet Call update by Scott Marques

‘Trumpet Call! Continues to gather extraordinary momentum as we run into the month of September, with a view to some special times on the 26th of the month. It has been a great joy to see teams visiting key leaders in the church, marketplace and government this week, all receiving such favourable response and encouragement. Progress is being made on securing venues in Harare and ten other cities around the country, as well as sound systems and mobilisation strategy. A small team is with Angus Buchan in South Africa as I write, to connect relationally and prophetically with him for all that God may for us together in Zimbabwe and even further afield through Trumpet Call!. Potential continues to develop for heart-and-soul participation of Christians in the marketplace, as well as many in government and key positions of influence. It is awesome to see how God is working through such diversity of people and diversity of gifting with remarkable unity of purpose.

The Trumpet Call! to the church to turn wholeheartedly to God with renewed passion for Jesus, renewed passion for one another and renewed passion AND ACTION for the nation is ringing out! Faith is rising in the hearts of many for the church to deliver the wisdom of God at the level of the poorest (staple-feeding an entire nation) as a spring-board for further transformational influence into all sectors of society for the rebuilding of the nation and the demonstration of God’s glory far beyond Zimbabwe. I keep praying ‘that they see our good works and praise our Father who is in heaven.’

There is a big day for Trumpet Call! where 56 leaders from across the twenty six denominations under Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) plus 56 leaders from across every diocese of the Catholic Church are gathering at River of Life Westgate for a day of ‘Vision and Activation for Trumpet Call!’. We hope that this will result in the full buy-in of the denominational churches under Zimbabwe Council of Churches to augment the formal engagement of the Catholic Church (Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference) in Trumpet Call! This would make Trumpet Call! a fully church-wide initiative, owned by the Heads of all Christian Denominations. We hope to interview many of the key leaders at this gathering, as well as some key leaders of the evangelical Heads of Denominations, getting their comments on what God is doing in Zimbabwe. We imagine that these interviews will form part of a television and media campaign to call the churches together on September 26th.

God’s grace is amazing. He did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3.17)

Thank-you Father for your love and your purpose to bless all the nations of the earth through your Son and through your sons, your people. Lord, have your way in us in this nation so that those who do not know you may be saved and that this nation may shine your glory far beyond our borders.’

By Scott Marques

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Call Is Going Out!

Many of you have heard the story of how the Lord brought Farming God’s Way into being and how, right at the beginning, He gave us Isaiah 58 to guide us along His straight path. Isaiah 58 begins with a very loud Trumpet Call that announces God’s process that results in those, who are obedient to that call, being named as the “Rebuilders of the Ancient Ruins, on the Age-old Foundations, Repairers of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”

A Dramatic Beginning
Well, for us in Africa, that call to the rebuilding process is really beginning to happen in earnest. We believe that the Lord is selecting Zimbabwe as His beginning point because “He chooses what is foolish in the world to confound the wise and what is weak in the world to shame the strong.” The most foolish and weakest nation in the world at the moment seems to be Zimbabwe. When we look at the international news, Zimbabwe is often depicted as the laughing stock of the world. We have recently witnessed the fastest crash in history of any nation’s economy and probably also its agricultural production. In FGW/Foundations for Farming the Lord has given us His foundational platform to address both of these collapses (ruins), because Isaiah 58 shows us that it first requires the right heart and motive of the True Fast, and then that Agriculture is the Entrance Point for the National Rebuild.

A Call Round the World
The Trumpet Call is being blown loudly to the churches in Zimbabwe at the moment and it will reach a crescendo just after this next Champs (7-9 September) on the 26th September, when a Call to Prayer will go round the world to the Zimbabwe Diaspora and all those interested in the Rebuild/Transformation of Zimbabwe and Africa. The Trumpet Call initiative is being co-ordinated through a partnership between the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe and Foundations for Farming – and includes a team from the United Kingdom that is mobilising international prayer for the 26th September which will give support to the gatherings of hopefully between 300-500 000 in Harare, and large gatherings in the other major cities. Parallel to this there is an inspired initiative to have 55 Foundations for Farming sites prepared and immaculately ready by the 26th as training points strategically placed throughout all the rural areas of the nation. The vision is that the Church will truly be used by God to feed the nation this year!

The appeal is for all the churches in Zimbabwe to forsake their local gatherings and travel on Sunday the 26th to a huge central venue to worship and call out to God for the healing of the nation His Way. Because the rebuild begins with the faithful use of the land, we will be appealing (on TV and every available means) for everybody in the nation to plant at least a symbolic patch of maize On Time, At Standard, Without Wastage and With Joy! This patch can be as little as four plants, preferably in a prominent, easily visible position i.e. in front of each dwelling place, 75cm x 60cm apart, fully mulched, at the Highest Standard possible! We want to honour and lift up Jesus so that He draws a multitude to Himself!

Please Pray for this Momentous and Critical Time
The year 2011 brings the referendum for a new National Constitution followed by the National Parliamentary Elections for Zimbabwe. There has been a strategic lull in the tensions in Zim during the season of the Football World Cup, and we expect the Evil One to have one last diabolical attempt to maintain dominance of the nation. This siege may be the most violent and repressive of all. We pray that this will be a great prompt for the National Church to unite and turn back absolutely wholeheartedly to God and to seek His Face and His Ways. In fact this very turn back to God will be the best way to protect the extremely vulnerable ones from great harm and suffering. Please pray for them and for the clearance of the way for this exceedingly significant gathering to happen. It will need a miracle from the Lord!

This September Champs will Point the Way to the 26th
I appeal to the Champions and Supporters from the other nations not to think that this is just another “Zim thing”. It really is a Continental Quest that is beginning with the ‘Foolishness’ and ‘Weakness’ of the Zimbabwean situation. It is also a Significant Milestone in the Breaking of the Yoke of Poverty, Hunger and Injustice of the Downtrodden in Africa and the Whole World! We believe that the coming incredible contrast seen in the transformation of Zimbabwe from being the laughing stock to being a shining example will so astound the world and especially the nations of Africa, that it will truly be used by the Lord as a discipleship model to many, and perhaps all nations.

Please can we put away any differences and disagreements we may have and come and gather and unite before our Gracious Holy God and seek His face together at this next Champs! There will still be some of our usual teaching and brushing up for the coming season, as well as great fellowship and many brilliant testimonies of the amazing things the Lord is doing through FGW/Foundations for Farming. PLEASE COME and PLEASE PRAY!!!

Longing to see you all again!

Much love
Brian and Cath

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The least is the Peter Cunningham

Peter Cunningham

Peter started the session by reading from Matthew 6:2 “Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.”

How should we pray then? There are some specific needs that we can ask from God. We have to continue praying and God will answer our prayers.
Mark 1:14 – 15 “Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”
Matthew 4:17 “From the time Jesus began to preach and to say, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
Matthew 12:28 “But if I cast out demons by the spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.”
Acts 28:30 – 31 “Then Paul dwelt two whole years in his own rented house, and received all who came to him, preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him.”

The difference between the 4 gospels and the Book of Acts is that Jesus was preaching and said The Kingdom of God is near while in Acts, it says that the Kingdom of God is here.

Matthew 11:11 “Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of woman there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” If Jesus says “I tell you the truth”, He is about to tell you something that you don’t know – something astounding, a revelation.
The least is the greatest and this revelation is very encouraging for the Operation Trumpet Call farmers.
Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"How can we activate?" by Scott Marques

Scott Marques challenged the church leaders with “How can we activate?” and poured out his heart with all his usual passion as he sounded the Trumpet Call again. He said, “This is a time when God is going to give us capacity, and he has given us a mandate to be like Him! Jesus’ passion is for those who don’t know Him. Let’s do away with the rubbish that gets in the way. Scott reminded us that we must turn back to God. God is in absolute control, and our diversity reflects His glory and we are to be reckless in our love for each other.” Scott urged us not to be disconnected, but to really unify in the faith, which will lead us into faithfulness.

Scott exhorted us that it is time to roll up our sleeves because God has given us a key in agriculture. With the heart change there is action to be done. We need to be fully ready for the big events in September. He described the wonderful plan to have 55 discipleship modelling and training centres ready throughout the nation, so that a multitude of farmers can come and see how to farm God’s way on the foundations He has laid. This momentum is to lead up to the Global Day of Prayer, and the National Celebration Day. We need to be praying for the rural folk, and it is going to be tough.

We need to act practically ourselves, and God is showing us the “how” bit-by-bit. Scott then reminded everyone of many of the principles and steps of Foundations for Farming in his inimitable fashion. We pray that the passion for God can ignite us in all that we do.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Prophetic background for Zimbabwe by Brian Oldreive

Brian Oldreive

Brian said that National Transformation comes at a very significant time in our nation’s history, where we can see how the Lord has prepared us for our own rebuilding process. We have been through a chastening and refining time for the last twelve years, and the Lord is especially removing the rubble in the hearts of God’s people called by His name.

Other prophetic indicators are:
• Our entrance point to transformation, and our premier social indicator should be the elimination of systemic poverty, is confirmed in the Isaiah 58 blueprint we have been given for the rebuilding model.
• We should concentrate on teaching and demonstrating the kingdom, from which Jesus will build his Church.
• Our Marketplace Ministry entrance point is through Foundations for Farming, which teaches the very poor farmers how to provide food for themselves and a surplus with which to feed the towns and cities. This faithfully and profitably produced surplus will kick-start the development of other aspects of the national economy. This is to be done primarily through the churches, thus confirming collaboration between the Marketplace and Pulpit Ministries.
• The whole upside-down kingdom process must be founded on the humility and unselfishness of Jesus. This would lift up Jesus to the entire city and nation, and will ensure the quality of the rebuild and the longevity of our Christ-likeness as well.
• The efficient implementation of plans and technologies is not a “given” in Africa, and that the Lord has shown us that we must teach and demonstrate faithful stewardship at all levels, as well as a generosity of Spirit, which will lead us to the wholeheartedness that glorifies God in all that we do.
• If we truly turn back to God and sincerely acknowledge Him in all our ways, the Lord will use us to show that He chooses the foolish to confound the wise and the weak to shame the strong. Our transformation from the depths from where the Lord will deliver us to the heights of where He can take us, may well astound the nations around us and even the world, and we will be able to make disciples of nations.
• Nehemiah wept over the ruination of Jerusalem, received a rebuilding plan from the Lord, and then managed to do two significant things: The people unified and all started to build together, and they all focussed on the building process for a season. This unity and focus enabled those huge walls to be built in only 52 days, even under siege, which is a construction-engineering miracle. The time span for the rebuilding of our nation will be determined by the unity and focus of God’s people in Zimbabwe, whether it be 52 weeks, 52 months or 52 years.
"Not MY will Lord, but YOURS"

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Nation Builders - For such a time as this......

It's important to understand the state of your nation and to see what needs to be built. Esther understood the peril and danger of her nation. We need a vision of where our nation needs to be built up.

Nation builders know their nation through supernaturally insight or factually. When God calls you to the Nation, He puts it in you and it comes out of you naturally. Look at what has brought your nation to the state it is in now and know why she is ill at ease with herself. What is God saying to you about your nation? Listen to Him, understand the times and where we are.

Perennial message: The heart of God is always to bring transformation. See the end from the beginning, know where we are and where we are going. When we know the end from the beginning, we can go through anything. It's important to know the challenge you're up against. People need to be restored. Value human beings and speak up on behalf of those who cannot speak.

God will test you. Be faithful with one and He will entrust you with 1000's. God uses men and women to protect and build nations. For example: Joseph acted to feed the Nation of Egypt. Was he acting spiritually or politically? Esther acted to save the Jewish nation. Was she acting spiritually or politically? The prophets saved the nations. Were they acting spiritually or politically? The two are interwoven - the are one.

There is a difference between influencing a Nation and being a Nation builder. One can influence a Nation for good but Nation builders put systems in place i.e. systemic change that is fundamentally locked for generations. God places Nation builders in positions of power to challenge the Nation. It's time christians take up places in the public sphere. We are the vision holders for our nation. Why is it that so few christians or people walk this way? It is mundane! When standing in the gap, it is boring. The only time there is some form of excitement is when you are being attacked. There is a cost when taking this walk. It is everything to you but there is a cost. How serious are we in this walk? When standing in the gap, we need to stand firm at the beginning and still be standing at the end. We need to know who we are are and that there is a God in heaven.

We have a CALL. God will PREPARE me for it and He will COMMISSION me to do it. Be faithful in small tasks and this is an internal attitude. If we are faithful with the small tasks, God will add to us. It all requires HARD WORK. How hard am I prepared to work? I need to be at the right place at the right time and bring a large dose of hard work. How much am I prepared to pour out? I will labour for4 what I value.

Nations are changed by us standing in the gap, holding the line, making multiple decisions and saying "NO MORE" for my nation.
1. We need to grow in wisdom. This is complex, difficult and multi-facteted.
2. Have courage (Stand firm)
3. Have a vision (Know the beginning from the end)
4. Have a balance between what I see now and what I don't yet see. Labour for it now.

God is looking for a generation to stand in the gap, stand up for something. Great teams build up homes, church and spheres.

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Saturday, July 10, 2010

What is "Love Zim?"

"Love Zim" is supporting Trumpet Call, a partnership between the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe and Foundations for Farming to equip the Church to feed Zimbabwe.

The Call is ringing out to return to God, unite and help the poor by teaching them to farm in a profitable and sustainable way.

JOIN US FOR TRANSFORMATION IN THE NATION OF ZIMBABWE! Join the worldwide prayer day in support of Trumpet Call on 26 September 2010. The prayer chain links the Church in Zimbabwe with God's church worldwide.

Please don't break the chain!
Please don't be the missing link!

Friday, July 2, 2010

What is Trumpet Call and Operation Trumpet Call?

God is doing something extraordinary in Zimbabwe. The Nation is in a place where things are shifting and being redefined. God is positioning the Church to be at the Centre Stage with what He is doing in the Nation and this Transformation is being outworked through Trumpet Call and Operation Trumpet Call.

What is
Trumpet Call? Trumpet Call is the prophetic Call to the church to unite in transformation, as Isaiah 58:1 declares, “Raise your voice like a trumpet.” It is the partnership between the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe and Foundations for Farming to call the church to lead the nation in transformation with the first step being to feed the nation of Zimbabwe through wholehearted commitment to God, each other and to the poor.

What is
Operation Trumpet Call? Operation Trumpet Call is the physical incarnation of this call through the 55 model sites for Foundations for Farming around Zimbabwe, raising the banner of Trumpet Call and the Trumpet Call vision.

What is "
Lovezim?" Read more on that next!

By Molly Manhanga

Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Awsome response" with Mbonisi Malaba

Mbonisi Malaba

Following on from Scott Marques message on "Awsome Love", Mbonisi spoke brilliantly on Awsome Response at the Operation Trumpet Call field day held in Harare. He shared from Matthew 26:6 – 9 and Mark 14:3 – 9 on the woman with the alabaster jar.

Mark 14: 3 – 5 “And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he was reclining at table, a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it over his head. There were some who said to themselves indignantly, ‘Why was the ointment wasted like that? For this ointment could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor.’ And they scolded her……”

Some were looking at the money that could have been made if the ointment was sold but money is a secondary issue compared to what the woman had seen in Jesus. She was a local prostitute and she came to Jesus, kissed his feet and washed hi
s feet with her hair. That is an awesome response to the King of Kings.

He who has been forgiven little, loves little. The woman sees an awesome God whose perfect love came to rescue sinners like us. She gives an extravagant response – an appropriate response for an awesome God. He who is forgiven much, loves much. The woman loved Jesus so much because she understood how much he loved her.

The Creator of the heaven and earth has loved me with all His heart, mind, soul and strength. When I understand this, it makes me want to love him more. It makes me give an emotional response, an extravagant response.

Mbonisi Malaba

Romans 12:1 – 12. We need to give our ALL to God who gave ALL. We love because He first loved us. Luke 7:48 – 50 “And he said to her, ‘Your sins are forgiven.’ Then those who were at the table with him began to say among themselves, ‘Who is this, who even forgives sins?’ And he said to the woman, ‘Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”

We are saved and forgiven by God and our faith. Faith + nothing is how we come to God. For example; the two criminals hanging on either side of Jesus at Golgotha, one criminal got into heaven by faith alone and Christ alone. We get the righteousness of God and our souls need to soak this in.

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Nutrition with Craig Deall

Craig Deall


Manure, fertilizer, compost and anthill. Apply amount to match target uield. Choose the cup size to match the amount and place in a planting station. Do before 15 November.

Training is the duty of the Christian farmer. Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” Let’s be models, not just in farming.

Are we doing Jesus last commandment? Matthew 28:18 – 20 “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
When we train we benefit as well. By training others, we train ourselves into a greater understanding of God’s principles.

Luke 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it can be measured back to you.”

1. Farming is 12 months of the year
2. Timeliness is important
3. Wholeheartedness is also important
4. Work hard with joy

Two qualities of Christ that break strongholds: be unselfish and humble and be a part of the rebuilding of Africa.

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Friday, June 25, 2010

Winter: Foundational Practices with Craig Deall - August

Craig Deall
Key Foundational Scripture: Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

Farming is for 12 months of the year. Let’s use winter wisely:
1. Keep fields weed free
2. Budget farm plan
3. Make compost (July – mid-August)
4. Inputs – use open pollinated seed
5. Off season maintenance
6. Dig holes
7. No burning, ploughing
8. Protect mulch

Tools: prepare and maintain
1. Hoe’s and weeding tools
2. Fertilisers and manure. Cups or teaspoons
3. Measuring stick – 75cm
4. Teren rope with markings every 60cm
5. Seed
6. Pegs – metal or wooden
The small-scale farmer is the BEST farmer on the planet! God has faith in you.

Land Preparation
No ploughing, keep weed free, establish baseline, protect God’s blanket, make rows across the slope – spacings 75cm, hole out planting stations 60cm, hole size: width 15cm and depth 8 – 15cm, place soil down the slope. Complete by end of October.
Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Winter: Foundational practices with Craig Deall - July

Craig Deall

Key Foundational Scripture: Proverbs 3:5 - 6
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” If Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth then we will never reach our full potential as farmers or teachers unless we build everything we do on Jesus.

Can we as farmers model this obedience? As God’s people, turn back to Him in unity and wholeheartedness. Be a model to the world!

Meditating on God’s word and His ways…. Joshua 1:8 “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” The Holy Spirit is our helper.

Evaluate the resources we have
Be faithful with what we have. Have a vision with where we are going. Be faithful with what we have. Use what God have given to us. Say NO to debt! Don’t fall into this trap. Be faithful with little and God will add to us…..
a) Our talents
b) Motives – Do they bless and honour the Lord
c) Work force?
d) Land – where are you situated? What is the climate like and where is your water source?
e) Crop suitability?

The most important farming practice is PRAYER! Each morning, each new task or season, give thanks and praise daily, asking Him to help us to glorify Him.

There is a saying: “Early to bed, early to rise”. That is the beauty of creation. Let’s make use of our time, of the sunlight and opportunities. When we see the sunrise, we know there is a God.

Compost time is in July: collect dry and woody material, manure, anthill and stack it neatly. Make your compost.

But Don’t Forget…………….. to WEED!

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Winter Preparations: June

Craig Deall


Foundational scriptures:

Proverbs 3:5 – 6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”

This DOES take real faith and TRUST!

Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord"
We need to think and act differently to the way things are done traditionally in the world. The ways we farm by the world’s tradition are: harvest our crops, spend the money then wait……wait for the rains and then start working again. By this time we’ve missed 1/3 of the season. The Lords’ ways are different: harvest on time, to standard, no wastage and with JOY! Market the crops, knock the stalks over, protect your mulch!

Important: This is the time to collect compost (green material) material and by August, it will be brown. Collect mulch, green material and start preparation for the next season.

There are 3 important keys:
2. WEEDS! Farmers might rest but weeds don’t. They are a curse and rob you of moisture.
3. WEEDS! Small weeds are easy to remove. The crop canopy prevents sunlight from getting onto the ground hence preventing weeds from growing. Do your late weed control and have your land prepared.

Foundational Scripture: Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

By the end of June, the farmers fields should have mulch. Craig encouraged the Operation Trumpet Call farmers to be a full on CHAMPIONS. God has faith in us!

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

"Awsome God" with Mbonisi Malaba

Mbonisi Malaba
It was fantastic listening to Mbonisi Malaba, leader of New Creation Church in Bulawayo, share about the awesomeness of God. He said that God was at work in us, our communities, our Nation and in Africa. The best ways to describe our awesome God was through the song “Indescribable” and see Him in nature.


From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creation’s revealing Your majesty
From the colours of fall to the fragrance of spring,
Ev’ry creature unique in the song that it sings
All exclaiming

Indescribable, uncontainable
You placed the stars in the sky and You called them by name
You are amazing God
All powerful, untamable;
Awestruck, we fall to our knees and we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God. You are amazing God

Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go,
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow?
Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light,
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night?
None can fathom.

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky, and You know them by name:
You are amazing, God.
Incomparable, unchangeable,
You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same,
You are amazing, God. You are amazing, God

Bones encouraged the Operation Trumpet Call farmers to listen to creation because it tells us something – behind creation there must be a creator. Only a fool can say there is no creator! If there is a design, there must be a designer. If there is a plan, there must be a planner.

Isaiah 40:12 - 15 “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance? Who has understood the mind of the Lord, or instructed him as his counsellor? Whom did the Lord consult to enlighten him, and who taught him the right way? Who was it that taught him knowledge or showed him the path of understanding?” The Creator holds the universe in the palm of his hands. He is an awesome God!

By Molly Manhanga

Winter:Foundational Farming Practices with Craig deall

Craig Deall

Winter is a time for farming. It’s a busy time. Farming is a serious business and it’s 12 months of the year. We may rest but the weeds don’t rest. Let’s not be half-hearted farmers. We need to be passionate as we are rebuilding the Nation.

Foundations for Farming is a gospel with "boots" – applying the gospel to life. The Foundation is Jesus. He sees the problem and He has given to us the solution. He teaches us how to implement.


a) The heart is faithfulness and stewardship. We need to give in order to receive. Luke 6:38. If we are faithful with the little God adds to us. We are here to serve our communities.
b) The Science: Look to nature. No ploughing, no burning. Mulch is important as 96% of the water gets retained in the soil while there is 6% run-off. It takes faith.
c) Management Implementation: To break the yoke of dependency we need to make a profit otherwise the alternative to that is stealing or begging.

Put "boots" on this theory. We must implement the theory to turn a profit. The principles to profit making which apply to all walks of life and business are:
1. ON TIME: Zimbabwe will be built on 2 things: humility and unselfishness. Being late is selfish.
2. AT STANDARD: Do it to the glory of God. Work as unto God and not as unto man.
4. WITH JOY: Work ethic, want to work.

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"Awsome Love" pt 2 with Scott Marques

Scott Marques

Not only is this God we serve awesome, but He is love and He is indescribable. Scott shared 4 points on the awesome love of our God…..

1. Prepared Garden: the prepared garden was created for us. Look at the length and breathe of the garden ……the peak of creation is man as we are created in God’s image and likeness. Creation is a love gift from god to us. He has given us stewardship over all. Does God love me? All we have to do is look at creation. Our awesome God has awesome love.
2. Personal relationship: God desires a personal relationship with us. He walks and talks to us. We also need to relate to one another if we are to move together and move forward. We need to have genuine relationships. God is changing us. As we change, we can fulfil personal relationships with each other and with God. God designed marriage to reflect Him and the Church. There is the grey area between love and lust. The seal for marriage is the beauty of sexual intercourse. When sin comes in, it spoils, spreads and separates and causes division between man and God, man and man, and man and creation. E.g. Adam and Eve. Darkness starts to platform the awesome revelation of God. Darkness hovered over the deep and God said, let there be light. With man’s sin, darkness came but God clothed man….it’s the first time we have death but we have shed blood and it’s at the hand of God.
3. Punishment of sin He took for us: God takes our sin and gives us revival – a relationship with him which is more intimate. It is terrible to suffer injustice. 1 John 1 “In the beginning was the word, the word with God and the word was God…” Our creator was scourged 2 fold: by flogging and the crucifixion. Scott then expounded on the suffering Jesus went through and the injustice, yet, he uttered no sound. He went through this pain because He loves us. God is love and He covers our sin with His love. He has taken the punishment of our sin on the cross.
4. Prophetic fulfillment: of what God wants to complete in us. Revelation 21:3

“I will be their God and they will be my people.” God WILL have a people. As John Piper says; God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him.”

1. Prepared garden
2. Personal relationship
3. Punishment of sin He took for us
4. Prophetic fulfillment

We serve an awesome, awesome God with awesome, awesome love!

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Encouragement to the OTC Farmers by Peter Cunningham

Peter Cunningham

"He who is least in the Kingdom of heaven is greater than He". The writers preach and speak about the Kingdom of heaven being near. Jesus is passionate about the Kingdom.

God is moving in Zimbabwe. Operation Trumpet Call is God platforming His church for his kingdom. God chose farmers for that. Peter encouraged the farmers to let God’s truth settle in their hearts. He gave the examples of Elisha, Samson and Daniel. With God’s power we can do anything.

The Kingdom of heaven is forcefully advancing and we need to have Faith. Faith is seeing the unseen. Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Forceful men lay hold of it.
Peter stirred the farmers to have courage and be forceful. Be bold as God is handpicking an army of men and women and the farmers need to have confidence and authority in that.

Operation Trumpet Call Phase 2 is from June to August. We need ten great farmers and ten great leaders so that we can be ready in September. We need the anointing to lead and we need to pray, feel and sense what it means for us in our communities.

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Monday, June 14, 2010

"Awsome Love" pt 1 with Scott Marques

Scott Marques

Genesis 2:4 – 14
As we contemplate God, man-made idols become insignificant. We can take animate and inanimate objects and worship them e.g. tree huggers. Idolatry is adultery – channeling our passions and resources in the wrong direction. India has sacred cows and the people worship the cows. Here in Zimbabwe, we have totems (Clan names)

We make our own gods but none compare to our God. They all have power but that power needs to be seen in the context we are in. we live in a context where the enemy has power. God doesn’t fight like how elephants fight. “Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.” We need to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything will be added to us. As Ed Silvoso said at the Trumpet Call for Transformation Conference, we need to ask God “what prophetic activation do you want me to do?”

Everything is about our relationship with god. Faithfulness is up to us and fruitfulness is up to God. God demands our worship for His glory. Not only is this God awesome, but He is love and He is indescribable.

By Molly Manhanga

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Paul's Transformation Journey

Paul experienced 2 setbacks
1. Acts 13 – Pisidian Antioch. What happened? V44 - 50 they drove them out of the city.
2. Acts 17 Thessalonica V10 the result – sent Paul and Silas away by night. The government shut down revival.
Breakthrough came in Corinth in Acts 18. Ephesus Acts 19:20 – 29.

Something happened with the government. Christianity is good for the city.
Why the defeats in Pisidian, Antioch & Thessalonica? It was Pauls public perception which was purely religious. Why the victories in Corinth and Ephesus? Paul joined the Marketplace.

Acts 19:31 “Then some of the officials of Asia, who were his friends, sent to him pleading that he would not venture into the theater” Why did they defend Paul? Paul was an asset to the city/region. Let the Christians be the champions. How did Paul become an asset? Acts 20:33 – 35 “I have coveted no one’s silver or gold or apparel………And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Paul was the leading developer in the region:
1. Working hard
2. Helping the needy
3. Giving rather than receiving
4. Emulating Jesus

Acts 2:45 – 47 “….and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them amongst all, as anyone had need. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.”
V47 had favour with ALL people. Adding daily to the church because the church was open to business i.e. They began to speak in tongues – praise God Acts 2:4 is the vertical dimension, having favour with the people is the horizontal dimension.

Whatever we do, do all for the glory of God. The local church is the place of scrutiny. Be faithful to the local church.

The tension between the Synagogue & the Marketplace

Paul could never have reached Asia through the synagogue alone. We cannot reach the city alone by planting churches. Work in the marketplace and be in the church. There are 4 keys for transformation:
1. To change the city, the Marketplace must be changed
2. Ministers must be recognized
3. Pulpit pastors must partner with them
4. To channel the spiritual with the resident

Take the gospel to every inch of Zimbabwe and every crevice and, it begins with us.

May transformation come to Zimbabwe and to Africa!
Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Thursday, June 10, 2010

"The Path to Regional Transformation" with Ed Silvoso

The path to regional transformation is how the early church connected the pulpit to the Marketplace. It’s an apostolic commissioning. Acts 13:2 – 3 “……now separate Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them……” and Acts 19:10 “….and this continued for two years, so that all who dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus Christ, both Jews and Greeks”. Paul didn’t see transformation until Acts 19. This chapter is important as we see how God hit the marketplace – the heart of Ephesus, the capital of the province of Asia. The trigger is found in Acts 18:2 – 3. Paul partners with Aquila and Priscilla. When you fail, you ask questions. Paul embraced the marketplace and Aquila and Priscilla embraced the pulpit. “Church” in the marketplace V7 - 8. Acts 18:9 – 10. God says: Do not be afraid, go on speaking, I am with you, I have many people in the market place.

For Zimbabwe: Acts 18: 8 “Then Crispus, the ruler of the Synagogue, believed on the Lord with all his household. And many of the Corinthians, hearing, believed and were baptized.” is important. God will bring one Crispus and his household, and a million people will be saved. We need to have a passion for the poor. Christ had compassion on both Zaccheus and blind Bartemeus. One Zaccheus can help many Bartemeus’s. There is an unprecedented move of God in an ungodly setting – the marketplace

Acts 18:11 Who is them? Who did Paul teach the word of God to in the marketplace? Romans 8:19 “For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God”, Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.”

Paul goes to Ephesus. He took business partners and set up a business in the Marketplace and school. In 2 years all of Asia heard the word of the Lord. Acts 19:10. God was performing extraordinary miracles by the hand of Paul…… Paul used handkerchiefs and aprons. When they touched people, they were healed. These were extraordinary miracles because they were marketplace miracles. NB: “Scatter the anointing on everything we do and send.” Release people into the marketplace to be the head and not the tail.

Read next on Paul’s transformation journey

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"The Marketplace" with Ed Silvoso

The Marketplace is a combination of Business, Education and Government. It’s the heart of the city or region. To change a person, you change their heart! To change a city, you change the heart of that city. Is this possible? Is it Biblical?

We can change a Nation by changing the marketplace. The church needs to disciple the Nation. Luke 19:10 “….for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” What was lost? Relationship with God was lost and with each other. Transformation needs to begin in our homes, marriages and so on. When men and women walk in harmony it reflects Christ and His bride.

Our relationship with the marketplace: Colossians 1:19 – 20 “For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross”, Ephesians 1:7 – 10 “… we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins,…….” Changing the Nation is the very heart of the atonement. Luke 19:10 “…for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” The context: The salvation of Zaccheus. Salvation came to Zaccheus and his household in the marketplace. House = home and marketplace.

Luke 19:11 onwards… The parable of the Minas – 110 days wages. Go into the city and do “business”. One place to do business is the Marketplace. We have authority over cities. Why is this significant? The importance is that we have 3 dimensions of Christ’s redemption
1. Personal – He saved us
2. Interpersonal
3. Marketplace
The gates of Hades cannot prevail. Let’s take authority over this. There are 4 ascending levels of the involvement in the Marketplace:

4. Christians trying to survive in the Marketplace
3. Christians who apply Biblical principles in the Marketplace (Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world)
2. Christians who do business in the power and fullness of the Holy Spirit
1. Christians who bring transformation to the marketplace (All about God – who wants Nations)

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Read about the path to Regional Transformation……

"Systemic Poverty" by Ed Silvoso

National transformation must be tangible with the premier social indicator being elimination of systematic poverty. 1 John 3:8b “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”

It’s impossible to eliminate poverty 100% because of factors such as laziness. Africa is so rich and yet so poor! A system needs to be put in place. When sin entered the garden, poverty came and abundance ceased.

Genesis 3:17 -19 “Poverty invaded creation – thorns and thistles”
Luke 4:18 & Isaiah 61 “Good news to the poor” means they will be delivered from the curse of poverty
Acts 4:34 “No needy person amongst them.”
Acts 20:35 “We must take care of the needy” God wants the Church to be giving church not a grabbing church
Galatians 2:10 “Take care of the poor”
Revelation 21 “….Nations with honour and glory….”

There is a thread here. Poverty is the work of the devil. 1 John 3:8b “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” We’ll defeat the devil by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.

Many people think poverty is monitory but it can be material, intellectual, relational and spiritual. We need a paradigm shift. We need to wear the right glasses. Let the word of God be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

Matthew 28:18 – 20 “……..Go and make disciples of all the nations…..”
Acts 1:8 “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Acts 5:28 “Did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name? And look, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this Man’s blood upon us!”
Acts 19:10 – 11 “And this continued for two years, so that all who dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks. Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul,….”
Romans 15:20 “And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation.”
Revelations 21:24 – 26 “And the nations of those who are saved shall walk in it’s light, and the Kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it…….”
Revelations 21:27 “But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.”

Saturate Zimbabwe with God. We’ll see transformation in this nation and Zimbabwe going for the Nations: Psalm 2:8 “Ask of Me, and I will give You The Nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession.” Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17.

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Trumpet Call for Transformation with Ed Silvoso

About 200 Church leaders from the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe and Newfrontiers Zimbabwe gathered at “Wild Geese” in Harare for an extraordinary time with Ed Silvoso, Dr Goodwill Shana, Scott Marques and Brian Oldreive.

Ed Silvoso and his wife Ruth serve 500 leaders through Harvest Evangelism in various continents. He works with teams to transform cities and Nations. He equips market place people and pulpit people and they have prototypes around the world.

Ed started by saying that God is doing something extraordinary in Zimbabwe. Psalm 2:8 Jesus has favour in Africa. Egypt rescued Jesus as a baby i.e. Africa came to the rescue. When Jesus was carrying his cross, it was an African – Simon of Cyrene that helped Jesus. Ed got all the leaders to stand up, raise their hands to God and repeat a prayer after him. We then had to put a hand to our heart and again repeat a prayer. That was really moving especially when sensing the presence of God in our midst.

There are 5 Pivotal Paradigm Shifts required for national transformation:

1. What? Called to disciple Nations not just individuals. Matthew 28:18 – 20 “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commended you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Do for the Nation what Jesus will do for the Nation. Feed the Nation of Zimbabwe. It’s the crisis that creates the opportunity. The Church should say – what should we do for Zimbabwe so that we will be immersed in the word of God. It’s Gods faith in me that matters. God believes in me, now I need to believe in Him.
2. Why? The Marketplace is the heart of the Nation. It has been redeemed and now it must be reclaimed. Luke 19:10 “…for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Zimbabwe has been redeemed. It’s a legitimate assumption.
3. How? Every Christian is a minister. Labour is worship. In Hebrew, labour and worship are basically the same. Colossians 3:23 “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men…” The Church in Zimbabwe needs to go to the marketplace. Whatever work we do, let’s do it for the glory of God. The Church is then activated.
4. We are to take the Kingdom of God to where the Kingdom of darkness is. Matthew 16:18 – 19 “ And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” God will build His church and the gates of Hades will not prevail. We need to take the Kingdom of God to the marketplace and the Lord will do the building. We need to equip every church member to understand that they are a minister. Our Christian lives are not for a Sunday only but daily and we need to disciple Zimbabwe
5. National transformation must be tangible with the premier social indicator being elimination of ‘systematic poverty’. 1 John 3:8b “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”

More on ‘Systematic Poverty’ to follow…….

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Ed Silvoso: The man and his ministry.....

When I first heard that Ed Silvoso was coming to Zimbabwe for the Trumpet Call for Transformation Conference, I wondered who he was and where he was from. Being as curious as ever, I asked after him and was told he was the author of “Transformation” and that God was using him mightily in the area of seeing cities, churches and so on transformed – with many testimonies. Well, that was it, I needed to hear him for myself and I was truly motivated, inspired, blessed and encouraged to GO out there and do extraordinary things. I could literally see the Kezi community transformed, needless to say, our beautiful nation of Zimbabwe.

There were quite a few touching moments whilst listening to Ed Silvoso introduce himself, his wife Ruth and more importantly, how God is using him in the Nations. To have him in Zimbabwe was awesome.

Jack Hayford: “Ed Silvoso is one of the clearest, most coherent, thoroughly biblical thinkers we have today.”

John Dawson: “This is the real thing: conceptual breakthroughs, dramatic anecdotes and profound insights.”

C. Peter Wagner: “The chief catalytic force for societal transformation is Christians ministering in the marketplace. Ed Silvoso and his network show more clearly than anyone else how we can make this happen.”

Cindy Jacobs: “While many have talked about transformation, Ed Silvoso and his associates have done ground work.”

It’s really about Ordinary People doing Extraordinary Things to make the world a better place.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Zimbabwe: What should the Church do? by Dr Shana

Dr Goodwill Shana

1. Perishing paradigms that produce prophetic insights e.g. the year King Uziah died, I saw the Lord.
2. Overwhelming odds that obstruct or orchestrate opportunities to overcome.
3. Unseen, undercurrents that unveil the unorthodox and unleash the underdog
4. Disturbing developments and disconnections….

What should the Church do?
1. Understand the holistic dominion of God to the whole world.
2. Preach and demonstrate a relevant gospel.
3. Develop influence, develop leaders, and develop disciples in every sphere of life. Specs = pillars of society like Daniel, Joseph, Esther and so on.
4. Create community – sector epicenters for transformation
5. See the bigger picture – synergy and diversity = unity. It gets rid of competition in denominations. God commands a blessing where there is unity.
6. Envision and build for generations

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Zimbabwe: A "Kairos" trans-generational shift with Dr Shana

Dr Goodwill Shana

The Foundation: Kairos (Prophetic) trans-generational shift

The Ezekiel 37:1 - 14 process is in play:

1. The hand of God on a specific assignment is supernaturally powerful.
2. Find your divine deployment: find your place, the people and purpose.
3. Prophesy – prophetic demand for transformation: Know the will of God, articulate it, and message it. We need to know where we are going. We need to propel, pronounce and position ourselves in the will of God.
4. Get ready for upheaval. We need to uproot things. In the midst of upheaval, God will get things in place. It’s the “commotion of reconstruction”.
5. Power of connection – V7 “bone to bone”: farming, education, business and so on. It’s not the same bone but the same body. We need to see where our synergies link. When the bones came together, God put the skin on top.
6. Ezekiel spoke and the bones shook! V7 Transformation of Zimbabwe is progressing. It’s not going to happen next week or next month and it’s not a big bang. We are going to have to work through the instant process.
7. Ask for help from the four winds V9: We can’t do it by ourselves. We need those from Argentina, California and so on.
8. A mighty army: We must have structure when a new order comes into society – divine order. Those who are strategic and so on.

Read the conclusion of “From Crisis to Transformation” next……

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Zimbabwe: "The Nation within the Nation" with Dr Shana

Dr Goodwill Shana

Recap: So far we’ve looked at The Foundations, Viable leadership, Idolatry and the Joseph factor. We continue with:

The Foundation: The Nation within the Nations
1. The children of Israel in Egypt – come out and be separate
2. The Jews in Babylon
3. Esther and the great reveal
4. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
5. Jonah – rediscover your identity of who you are
6. The Diaspora (scattered people outside Zimbabwe), World War 11(Hitler) and the rebirth of Israel – God is forcing us to have an identity greater than our own – the identity of God.

The Foundation: A Kairos (prophetic) trans-generational shift
1. The seasons or dispensations of God: Daniel 9:2 “…in the first year of his reign I, Daniel, understood by the books the number of the years specified by the word of the Lord through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.”
2. The transformation of a Nations genetic code e.g. Egypt’s transformation. There is a need for fundamental transformation in business, family and so on.
3. Foundations for future generations

Continue to read more on the Kairos (prophetic) trans-generational shift…….

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

Zimbabwe: "The Joseph Factor" with Dr Shana

Dr Goodwill Shana

The Foundations: The Joseph Factor:
The Joseph factor can be read from Genesis 38. It is a divinely orchestrated transformation in paradigm - We see a paradigm shift of a family of God to a Nation.

1. Prophetic insight in advance of time: Joseph saw way ahead. When we look at Zimbabwe, we need to see where we are going, not where we are now. What will Zimbabwe look like in 10 – 15 years from now?
2. Person in trouble: Joseph was in trouble. A person in trouble will be thrown in the pit. They cannot avoid trouble because they are threatening the way things are.
3. Priorities in testing: What is important? Change the paradigm of doing church and in our personal lives. We are shifting a nation and our priorities will be tested. Don’t be focused on “me, myself and I” – the “unholy trinity”
4. Prophet in training: Joseph went to jail. Nothing else to do but to think seriously. In Zimbabwe, it feels like we are in prison and we need to think seriously of how we got here. In prison we need to make friends quickly. Make the dreams of others come true.
5. Power in team - work: Joseph teamed up with the butler, with Pharaoh and so on. Transformation came from “grassroots” – from the bottom, up. It needs to touch those on the ground. It’s a partnership with ordinary people.
6. Prophetic incubation of trans-generation transformation: It’s something in the “womb of time” that will yield results later on. It will affect other generations.

Let’s affect National Transformation that will affect our grandchildren and those who follow.

Summarised by Molly Manhanga