Sunday, June 6, 2010

Zimbabwe: "The Joseph Factor" with Dr Shana

Dr Goodwill Shana

The Foundations: The Joseph Factor:
The Joseph factor can be read from Genesis 38. It is a divinely orchestrated transformation in paradigm - We see a paradigm shift of a family of God to a Nation.

1. Prophetic insight in advance of time: Joseph saw way ahead. When we look at Zimbabwe, we need to see where we are going, not where we are now. What will Zimbabwe look like in 10 – 15 years from now?
2. Person in trouble: Joseph was in trouble. A person in trouble will be thrown in the pit. They cannot avoid trouble because they are threatening the way things are.
3. Priorities in testing: What is important? Change the paradigm of doing church and in our personal lives. We are shifting a nation and our priorities will be tested. Don’t be focused on “me, myself and I” – the “unholy trinity”
4. Prophet in training: Joseph went to jail. Nothing else to do but to think seriously. In Zimbabwe, it feels like we are in prison and we need to think seriously of how we got here. In prison we need to make friends quickly. Make the dreams of others come true.
5. Power in team - work: Joseph teamed up with the butler, with Pharaoh and so on. Transformation came from “grassroots” – from the bottom, up. It needs to touch those on the ground. It’s a partnership with ordinary people.
6. Prophetic incubation of trans-generation transformation: It’s something in the “womb of time” that will yield results later on. It will affect other generations.

Let’s affect National Transformation that will affect our grandchildren and those who follow.

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

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