Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"Awsome Love" pt 2 with Scott Marques

Scott Marques

Not only is this God we serve awesome, but He is love and He is indescribable. Scott shared 4 points on the awesome love of our God…..

1. Prepared Garden: the prepared garden was created for us. Look at the length and breathe of the garden ……the peak of creation is man as we are created in God’s image and likeness. Creation is a love gift from god to us. He has given us stewardship over all. Does God love me? All we have to do is look at creation. Our awesome God has awesome love.
2. Personal relationship: God desires a personal relationship with us. He walks and talks to us. We also need to relate to one another if we are to move together and move forward. We need to have genuine relationships. God is changing us. As we change, we can fulfil personal relationships with each other and with God. God designed marriage to reflect Him and the Church. There is the grey area between love and lust. The seal for marriage is the beauty of sexual intercourse. When sin comes in, it spoils, spreads and separates and causes division between man and God, man and man, and man and creation. E.g. Adam and Eve. Darkness starts to platform the awesome revelation of God. Darkness hovered over the deep and God said, let there be light. With man’s sin, darkness came but God clothed man….it’s the first time we have death but we have shed blood and it’s at the hand of God.
3. Punishment of sin He took for us: God takes our sin and gives us revival – a relationship with him which is more intimate. It is terrible to suffer injustice. 1 John 1 “In the beginning was the word, the word with God and the word was God…” Our creator was scourged 2 fold: by flogging and the crucifixion. Scott then expounded on the suffering Jesus went through and the injustice, yet, he uttered no sound. He went through this pain because He loves us. God is love and He covers our sin with His love. He has taken the punishment of our sin on the cross.
4. Prophetic fulfillment: of what God wants to complete in us. Revelation 21:3

“I will be their God and they will be my people.” God WILL have a people. As John Piper says; God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him.”

1. Prepared garden
2. Personal relationship
3. Punishment of sin He took for us
4. Prophetic fulfillment

We serve an awesome, awesome God with awesome, awesome love!

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

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