‘Trumpet Call! Continues to gather extraordinary momentum as we run into the month of September, with a view to some special times on the 26th of the month. It has been a great joy to see teams visiting key leaders in the church, marketplace and government this week, all receiving such favourable response and encouragement. Progress is being made on securing venues in Harare and ten other cities around the country, as well as sound systems and mobilisation strategy. A small team is with Angus Buchan in South Africa as I write, to connect relationally and prophetically with him for all that God may for us together in Zimbabwe and even further afield through Trumpet Call!. Potential continues to develop for heart-and-soul participation of Christians in the marketplace, as well as many in government and key positions of influence. It is awesome to see how God is working through such diversity of people and diversity of gifting with remarkable unity of purpose.
The Trumpet Call! to the church to turn wholeheartedly to God with renewed passion for Jesus, renewed passion for one another and renewed passion AND ACTION for the nation is ringing out! Faith is rising in the hearts of many for the church to deliver the wisdom of God at the level of the poorest (staple-feeding an entire nation) as a spring-board for further transformational influence into all sectors of society for the rebuilding of the nation and the demonstration of God’s glory far beyond Zimbabwe. I keep praying ‘that they see our good works and praise our Father who is in heaven.’
There is a big day for Trumpet Call! where 56 leaders from across the twenty six denominations under Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) plus 56 leaders from across every diocese of the Catholic Church are gathering at River of Life Westgate for a day of ‘Vision and Activation for Trumpet Call!’. We hope that this will result in the full buy-in of the denominational churches under Zimbabwe Council of Churches to augment the formal engagement of the Catholic Church (Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference) in Trumpet Call! This would make Trumpet Call! a fully church-wide initiative, owned by the Heads of all Christian Denominations. We hope to interview many of the key leaders at this gathering, as well as some key leaders of the evangelical Heads of Denominations, getting their comments on what God is doing in Zimbabwe. We imagine that these interviews will form part of a television and media campaign to call the churches together on September 26th.
God’s grace is amazing. He did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3.17)
Thank-you Father for your love and your purpose to bless all the nations of the earth through your Son and through your sons, your people. Lord, have your way in us in this nation so that those who do not know you may be saved and that this nation may shine your glory far beyond our borders.’
By Scott Marques
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