Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ed Silvoso: The man and his ministry.....

When I first heard that Ed Silvoso was coming to Zimbabwe for the Trumpet Call for Transformation Conference, I wondered who he was and where he was from. Being as curious as ever, I asked after him and was told he was the author of “Transformation” and that God was using him mightily in the area of seeing cities, churches and so on transformed – with many testimonies. Well, that was it, I needed to hear him for myself and I was truly motivated, inspired, blessed and encouraged to GO out there and do extraordinary things. I could literally see the Kezi community transformed, needless to say, our beautiful nation of Zimbabwe.

There were quite a few touching moments whilst listening to Ed Silvoso introduce himself, his wife Ruth and more importantly, how God is using him in the Nations. To have him in Zimbabwe was awesome.

Jack Hayford: “Ed Silvoso is one of the clearest, most coherent, thoroughly biblical thinkers we have today.”

John Dawson: “This is the real thing: conceptual breakthroughs, dramatic anecdotes and profound insights.”

C. Peter Wagner: “The chief catalytic force for societal transformation is Christians ministering in the marketplace. Ed Silvoso and his network show more clearly than anyone else how we can make this happen.”

Cindy Jacobs: “While many have talked about transformation, Ed Silvoso and his associates have done ground work.”

It’s really about Ordinary People doing Extraordinary Things to make the world a better place.

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