Sunday, June 20, 2010

Winter:Foundational Farming Practices with Craig deall

Craig Deall

Winter is a time for farming. It’s a busy time. Farming is a serious business and it’s 12 months of the year. We may rest but the weeds don’t rest. Let’s not be half-hearted farmers. We need to be passionate as we are rebuilding the Nation.

Foundations for Farming is a gospel with "boots" – applying the gospel to life. The Foundation is Jesus. He sees the problem and He has given to us the solution. He teaches us how to implement.


a) The heart is faithfulness and stewardship. We need to give in order to receive. Luke 6:38. If we are faithful with the little God adds to us. We are here to serve our communities.
b) The Science: Look to nature. No ploughing, no burning. Mulch is important as 96% of the water gets retained in the soil while there is 6% run-off. It takes faith.
c) Management Implementation: To break the yoke of dependency we need to make a profit otherwise the alternative to that is stealing or begging.

Put "boots" on this theory. We must implement the theory to turn a profit. The principles to profit making which apply to all walks of life and business are:
1. ON TIME: Zimbabwe will be built on 2 things: humility and unselfishness. Being late is selfish.
2. AT STANDARD: Do it to the glory of God. Work as unto God and not as unto man.
4. WITH JOY: Work ethic, want to work.

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

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