Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Prophetic background for Zimbabwe by Brian Oldreive

Brian Oldreive

Brian said that National Transformation comes at a very significant time in our nation’s history, where we can see how the Lord has prepared us for our own rebuilding process. We have been through a chastening and refining time for the last twelve years, and the Lord is especially removing the rubble in the hearts of God’s people called by His name.

Other prophetic indicators are:
• Our entrance point to transformation, and our premier social indicator should be the elimination of systemic poverty, is confirmed in the Isaiah 58 blueprint we have been given for the rebuilding model.
• We should concentrate on teaching and demonstrating the kingdom, from which Jesus will build his Church.
• Our Marketplace Ministry entrance point is through Foundations for Farming, which teaches the very poor farmers how to provide food for themselves and a surplus with which to feed the towns and cities. This faithfully and profitably produced surplus will kick-start the development of other aspects of the national economy. This is to be done primarily through the churches, thus confirming collaboration between the Marketplace and Pulpit Ministries.
• The whole upside-down kingdom process must be founded on the humility and unselfishness of Jesus. This would lift up Jesus to the entire city and nation, and will ensure the quality of the rebuild and the longevity of our Christ-likeness as well.
• The efficient implementation of plans and technologies is not a “given” in Africa, and that the Lord has shown us that we must teach and demonstrate faithful stewardship at all levels, as well as a generosity of Spirit, which will lead us to the wholeheartedness that glorifies God in all that we do.
• If we truly turn back to God and sincerely acknowledge Him in all our ways, the Lord will use us to show that He chooses the foolish to confound the wise and the weak to shame the strong. Our transformation from the depths from where the Lord will deliver us to the heights of where He can take us, may well astound the nations around us and even the world, and we will be able to make disciples of nations.
• Nehemiah wept over the ruination of Jerusalem, received a rebuilding plan from the Lord, and then managed to do two significant things: The people unified and all started to build together, and they all focussed on the building process for a season. This unity and focus enabled those huge walls to be built in only 52 days, even under siege, which is a construction-engineering miracle. The time span for the rebuilding of our nation will be determined by the unity and focus of God’s people in Zimbabwe, whether it be 52 weeks, 52 months or 52 years.
"Not MY will Lord, but YOURS"

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