Saturday, June 5, 2010

Zimbabwe - Crisis to Transformation with Dr Shana

Dr Goodwill Shana

Dr Goodwill Shana did excellently when he addressed about 200 Church leaders from the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe and Newfrontiers on the topic: “From Crisis to Transformation” at the Trumpet Call for Transformation Conference. He looked at what the crisis is that requires transformation and the origins of the crisis.

What is the crisis that requires transformation?
Crisis of governance = purpose, values, vision

National Crisis
Crisis of leadership = vision and values

Personal & Sectoral Crisis
Crisis of national relations = values

Interpersonal & Community Crisis
Crisis of management = stewardship

Viability and Sustainability Crisis
Crisis of Godly influence (critical one) = role modeling influence

We have an immense number of Christians in our communities but when we look at the societal state of the communities we have to say that something is wrong. Churches are growing and murder is increasing, churches are growing and so are slum areas, churches are growing and so is corruption. It’s a dichotomy of degeneration. Africa has huge numbers of Christians and yet we have the highest HIV infection, highest inflation rate and so on. Something is wrong. We are producing the people but not the result. It is the churches business to be agents of change. The church needs the answers and needs to be the centre for change.

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

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