Scott Marques
Wicked ways…..
1. Idolatry: we are prone to trust in other solutions other than God i.e. money or men or both. We cannot serve God and mammon. It’s a spiritual issue. Abide in Christ. This is where fruitfulness comes. Be content. God can supply all our needs according to His riches in Glory. We can be a light in this world. Our hope is in God.
2. Syncretism: This is when we mix African, Western, Eastern etc ways with Biblical ways. God says “I am a jealous God” We need to stand on clear ground and trust Jesus. Blow it like a trumpet. Have a Daniel or Joseph spirit.
3. Legalism: “You foolish Galatians. Who has bewitched you.” We think our behavior can secure a place with God. Our works are like filthy rags in our effort to please Him. The best of our good works are like nothing. True faith is by our actions. It is the grace of God that teaches us to say NO to worldly passions and behavior. We can boldly preach against legalism. When we blow it, there is grace to forgive.
Oppression - Undo the straps of the yoke…(Yokes we can put on each other)
1. Disunity: It grieves the Father. There should be no measure of jealousy. Don’t measure ourselves against each other. God loves unity.
2. A worldly spirit: See in the Church the same things like at a political meeting. In humility, we need to prefer others.
3. Elitist racism: powerful dynamic where we put bounds around each other because of externals. Dangerous potential (e.g. apartheid. One thinks they are better than the other based on the colour of their skin) Be free from racism. God has made us in His image. We need to do things in the Church that make people ask questions.
“Giving bread to the hungry, clothing those that are naked “ and so on
We run the risk of being indifferent to the plight of the poor. We need to throw away our reputation even if people mock us. Let God receive all the glory. Be faithful with what God has given us. God is eager to reward those who are faithful. Real faith shows itself in action and there is fruitfulness.
In Zimbabwe, we need to plant our maize on time. We will reap the rewards and be able to export maize.
Let us show the life of God in the Church.
Summarised by Molly Manhanga
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