Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"From The Heart" with Nigel Ring

Nigel Ring

M.M: What are your thoughts on Foundations for Farming?
N.R: It’s one of the most exciting ministries I’ve ever seen because of its excellence and its desire to be practical in discipling people in the knowledge of Christ. It has the potential to transform communities. It’s AMAZING and it’s led by the most Godly, humble people I’ve ever met.

M.M: I agree with you 100%! What are your impressions of Operation Trumpet Call?
N.R: The vision for OTC is so huge that God has to be in it. It’s the first time I’ve seen anyone feeling that the Church can transform a Nation – but I believe it can!

Nigel Ring praying for Zimbabwe

M.M: What do you feel God is saying to the Nation of Zimbabwe?
N.R: It feels presumptuous to offer an opinion but it does seem that all of man’s endeavours are seen to be inadequate, leaving a vacuum that only the Church can fill.

M.M: Thank you so much Nigel.

By Molly Manhanga

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