Thursday, March 11, 2010

OTC Farmer Groups

OTC farmer group led by Brilliant Khoza praying at the start of their session

One of the OTC farmer Groups in the Kezi area are led by Brilliant Khoza. He met with about 15 farmers and shared on Faith, Faithfulness and Fruitfulness. It was quite interactive as people discussed how their thoughts on Foundations for Farming.

The objective of the meeting was to:
1. Help the group to see that the world is in the predicament it’s in because of our lack of faithfulness towards God, each other and creation
2. That we are in disbelief, leading to disobedience, which leads to destruction
3. To show that in Jesus we can have faith outworking itself in faithfulness which leads to fruitfulness.
The OTC farmers were really appreciative of the teachings of Foundations for Farming.

It was an excellent meeting!

Compiled By Molly Manhanga

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