Saturday, March 27, 2010

"Leadership: The problem" by Dr Shana

Dr Goodwill Shana

Operation Trumpet Call is a Call for the Church to rise up and be the voice in Zimbabwe, Africa and the world. When things go wrong, we then find our destiny. God has not forsaken Zimbabwe but he is shifting things. At the point of crisis, true leadership emerges.

Paul was a preacher, teacher and an apostle and this defined his mandate. As leaders, let’s be clear where we are going. Africa has had problems for a long time. We have the world’s natural resources here and the fastest church growth and yet there is so much tragedy, wars and division.

There are wrong attitudes to:
1. Colonialism
2. Ethnic division
3. Witchcraft
4. Culture
5. Social anthropological development

Part of the problem of poverty is not just putting money into people’s pockets. We need viable/valuable ideas like Foundations for Farming. If implemented correctly, you’ll get the correct result. We need to change our level of thinking – have a paradigm shift.

Leadership shouldn’t be confused with authority. You can have authority but it doesn’t make you a leader. A leader shouldn’t be after power and it doesn’t mean position or privilege. Therefore, leadership is not about position, power, authority or privilege.

Leadership is having a VISION. It’s about people, being with people, arriving with people. You are defined by those you are leading. If you’re not leading anyone, you’re simply “taking a walk” or you’re just ambitious. Leading is taking people with us on a journey – influencing people to come along with you.

Read on about the “General Indicators on Leadership”

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

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