Scott Marques
It was so encouraging listening to Scott Marques preach on the “Joseph Generation” to the Operation Trumpet Call farmers. His vibrant, energetic, solid preaching was captivating. This is what he said:
Genesis 40: 20 -23. Scott gave the background of the Joseph story up to the point where the chief cup bearer did not remember Joseph who was still in prison.
a) Joseph was in a position much like us: in prison and with tough circumstances. We living in days where we feel like we are locked up and the situation is tough. We live in a continent that is the wealthiest in terms of natural resources and yet we are in poverty, are sick, in conflict and generally in a mess. It’s a kind of prison we find ourselves in. In prison we don’t have enough food, medication, there is daily fighting. Joseph was in those circumstances.
b) Joseph was in obscurity: Not only was his situation tough but he was forgotten. He was pushed in jail and left there. He got into that position due to a combination of things – both good and bad. For whatever reason we find ourselves in this position in Zimbabwe, God is working out His plan. In reality, the Church has been slow, weak, soft, unheard, unfelt and relegated.
c) Gods hand was on Joseph: We also see that with our circumstances. God’s hand is on us In Joseph’s obscurity, He gave Joseph the mechanism of deliverance which was knowledge/revelation to feed the nation.
Scott Marques preaching
If we think we are small and insignificant, God is on us, he is giving us revelation to feed our Nation. He is using the weak things of this world to confound the wise.
Read more on the Characteristics of Joseph
Summarised by Molly Manhanga