Monday, January 4, 2010

"....Repentence is violent....." - Scott Marques

Scott Marques

Scott Marques, now based in Mozambique, came and shared an excellent word with the farmers at Operation Trumpet Call. Scott is the Apostolic leader within the Newfrontiers Churches in Zimbabwe and regions beyond. He preached really, really well and connected with the people in a way that only Scott can.

He picked up on what Pastor KC said on that God has given us a mandate to manage the resources. Man hasn’t cared for the resources of Africa. Where there is degradation, we need to ask what has gone wrong? There are many people going to church and yet there is poverty. Church leaders need to stand and say something is wrong, something has to change, lets be real. We need to be God’s word in action and want the spirit of God and His righteousness. Idolatry is when our HOPE is in man and not GOD.

God has given to us everything for life in Godliness. God is calling his saints whom He designed, to be fruitful and multiply. God is in control. God is everything to “me”, says Scott. Paul says, he is in chains and the gospel is multiplying. The problem is not rain and soil but the heart.
Change the heart of man to change the face of Africa.

Scott preaching at the OTC meeting held at Victory fellowship

The church needs to stand against idols and live Isaiah 58. True repentance is active. Love Jesus with everything in us. Repentance is violent. If it stands against Jesus, burn it. As leaders, we need to declare that our faith is in Jesus. We can then equip the saints when we are free. Violent repentance in the way we love each other. God took our shame, injustice and every sin to Himself on the cross. “I love you because Jesus loved me.” We need the power of God and we need to know the grace of God. We also need restoration with God and restoration with one another. Do things that show repentance. Show our love by what we do: how we spend our time, energy and money. Isaiah 58 – true fast. Make a plan for the poor, help those in the yoke of poverty and healing will appear.

The Church can feed the nation. The character of Christ is in the body of Christ. Let’s change our cultural norms to reflect Jesus norms.

Issues of the heart are not only in farming. Let us violently let go of the things of this world.

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

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