Sunday, January 3, 2010

"The Call".....with Dr Shana

Dr Goodwill Shana

Listening to Dr. Goodwill Shana preach about “The Call” from Nehemiah 1:5 – 11 was just brilliant. I love the way he connects with people and his messages are so relevant for the time and season we are in here in Zimbabwe. This is what he said:

1. The Call to be passionate and remorseful at the state of the Nation. As Christians, we need to be moved at what is happening.
2. The Call to prayer: We have seed in our hands and prayer in our hearts. Prayer is a solid foundation. 1st is repentance and 2nd is prayer. Be a person of prayer who depends on God. It’s not by might, nor by power but by my spirit says the Lord. The call today is to seek God passionately in prayer.
3. The Call to return to the Kingdom: The Kingdom of God is a collection of churches, those who call themselves the children of God. The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. To change Zimbabwe, Christians need to rise up and show the light. Look at Naaman and the little girl. The little girl had a kingdom mentality. The Kingdom of God has all the answers. One of our answers is Foundations for Farming. This is a call to return to Jesus Christ and to build His Kingdom.
4. The Call to wisdom and preparation: Nehemiah began to prepare. The call is to be a prepared people: know what to do and when to do it. If you want to touch Zimbabwe – be a people prepared.
5. The Call to courageous vigilance and diligence: Nehemiah 2 and 4. Two people opposed Nehemiah and these were Tobiah and Sanballet. We will face opposition within and without. We need to be diligent, vigilant and courageous, not intimidated and defeated.
6. The Call to rebuild: Nehemiah 2:20. Our foundations have to be sure. Foundations matter – the starting principles matter. Zimbabwe needs to sort out it’s foundations for proper rebuilding to take place. The foundations of poverty need to be fixed.
7. The Call to unity and diversity: Nehemiah 3 building of the sheep gate. Zimbabwe cannot be rebuilt unless the church rises up. Only the church can build. The men of Jericho had a new mindset. They saw God do the impossible. We need to change our mindsets. When God is involved, nothing is too big. We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us. We all have a role to play. We need to have a different mindset and for this to happen, we need to be full of the word. If Zimbabwe is to change, be FULL of the WORD.
Summarised by Molly Manhanga

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