Dr Goodwill Shana
It was excellent attending Operation Trumpet Call yesterday. Over 20 different churches from the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ) were represented. Operation Trumpet Call is an initiative by the churches in Zimbabwe with the focus being on Foundations for Farming.
Dr Goodwill Shana – president of EFZ, opened with an outstanding message. Some highlights of what he said are:
1. Evangelical/Theological: basis of our faith
2. Fellowship: “fellows in a ship”
3. Zimbabwe: We are living in Zimbabwe
Dr Shana preaching
85% of people in Zimbabwe are church goers therefore I am an instrument of god’s mandate on earth. When a nation was in trouble, God uses the Church. If we take our eyes off God, He will allow things to happen: if we are idolatrous, have wrong values, disunity and disharmony etc, God allows hard times and persecution. He doesn’t allow compromise in a nation.
God is calling the remnant. We have an answer; we are the voice of God. In 2 Kings 7 we see how the word of the man of God changes things. We need the voice of the Church in Theology, in Fellowship and in Zimbabwe. Isaiah 6.
We need perishing paradigms to see prophetic perceptions. When things die, the only place to go to is to God.
The land is very important. We see with Adam – he was to look after the land – to work it. The church needs to influence the land: impact the generations through productivity of the nation. We preach in a practical way and Foundations for Farming is preaching in action. Christianity must affect us in every area of life. There needs to be a paradigm shift in the way we think. We are salt of this earth. 2 Corinthians 3: we are God’s garden.
If we nourish the nation, we’ll influence the nation. EFZ has 6 primary focuses and these are:
1. Food and humanitarian relief
2. Service recovery and delivery
3. Healing, reconciliation and unity
4. New dispensation of governance
5. Economy
6. Land
The EFZ has mobilized 10 provinces as we see our nation of Zimbabwe feeding itself in the WORD and FOOD.
Summarised by Molly Manhanga
Very Profound words, and gives confidence to have leaders like Dr Shana.
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